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I have just migrated a number of our rules to within rule chains.

The image below shows the history of a specific rule within a chain.

On the 10th July (before it was added to a Chain) we can see the rule partially failed and I get the detail in the history of the result of each action

Today however on the 11th July:

  • the icon in the Rules list view just says Failed

  • the status in the history view says Failed

  • and there is no breakdown within the history section for each of the Actions
I know from my email alerts though that this rule actually Partially failed as it did on previous days.

Can the 3 bullets above not reflect as before ? ie showing the breakdown by action and correct message that it was a Partial Fail rather than a complete Fail ?

I have the detail in the alert but other than saving all emails the History section is the only place I can go to compare historic runs and any patterns over time ?



Thanks Ian for bringing this up. 

I'll let the team take a look at this and make sure this gets fixed.
I also hit this when I shifted our rules to the chain format -- the partial failure or partial success was not acknowledged. It would also be awesome to see how many successes/failures occurred per rule.
