
Plugins causing UI issues

  • 22 August 2017
  • 5 replies

When using different plugins we have noticed that it has been causing UI views within the product.  The one we are seeing right now is when filtering on cockpit.  We would like to see plug ins supported and not cause this issue.

5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4
Chris - Can you clarify what you mean here?  What "different plugins"?  When you say causing "UI views" did you mean "UI errors"?
Userlevel 6
Badge +4
Chris - Can you clarify what you mean here?  What "different plugins"?  When you say causing "UI views" did you mean "UI errors"?
Customer is using an outreach plugin.  When they go to Cockpit and add a filter it causes a few of the filters to jumble up.  
Badge +1
Hi Chris,

Can you get the exact name of the Plugin and which browser are we seeing this issue? 


Userlevel 7
Badge +1
Hi Chris, Is the issue still happening.If so,could you please add a screenshot and get the Plugin/browser names.
