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I’m currently setting up Productboard with Gainsight CS for feature requests to be logged within Gainsight CS, and the instructions ( say to log a support ticket for the list of companies.

I didn’t want to do that, so I wrote a quick PowerShell script to export the information with the API key I already had from completing the connector configuration. I wanted to share it here in case anyone else needs it in future.

# Set the base URL for the API with placeholders for pageLimit and pageOffset
$base_url = ""

# Authorization Token (replace with your actual token)
$auth_token = "XXX"

# Variable to store the current URL (start with the base URL)
$current_url = $base_url

# Variable to control the pagination loop
$has_more_data = $true

# Array to store all data
$data_array = @()

# Loop through the pagination
while ($has_more_data) {
Write-Host "Fetching data from: $current_url"

# Make the API request using Invoke-RestMethod
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $current_url `
-Headers @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $auth_token"; "Content-Type" = "application/json" }

# Extract the data from the response and add it to the array
if ($response -ne $null -and $ -ne $null) {
# Extract relevant fields from the "data" array
$data_array += $ | Select-Object id, name, domain, description, sourceOrigin, sourceRecordId

# Check if there is a "next" link to continue paginating
if ($ -eq $null) {
$has_more_data = $false
Write-Host "No more pages."
} else {
# Update the URL for the next request using the next page link
$current_url = $

# Export the combined data to a CSV file
if ($data_array.Count -gt 0) {
$data_array | Export-Csv -Path "companies_data.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Data exported to companies_data.csv"
} else {
Write-Host "No data to export."

Hope it helps!

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