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We drop X number of CTAs every Quarter - a request came in to find a way to display the remaining number.  While we have a dashboard that monitors and tracks the created/closed - the request is for a quick glance, smaller report/graph that just displays remaining number.

Ideally, I want to be able to create a field in the Call to Action area - that I then can create a few rules around.  Then use reporting to give my totals.  Much like I do know with calculating created/closed.

They can manually calculate this themselves - but the wish is for a new report that just display remaining numbers.

[i]I'm also curious about customization to this area.  I see a spot to add fields (in admin), but not sure where to create a field so it displays there.  If I can figure that - that may solve my issues.  Not sure.
Hey Segan!  

I think you would want to do this with an MDA object instead of a new field on the CTA object - unless you are ok with loosing the visibility once the quarter is done.

I'm seeing the architecture look something like this:

1. Create an MDA Object "Quarter CTA Closures" with at minimum "Year", "Quarter", "CTAs Created", "CTAs Closed-Success", "Percentage Closed Success", etc.

2. Create a bionic rule dataset that pulls all CTAs that were created in the quarter in question using a using a count distinct aggregation.

3. Create a bionic rule dataset that pulls all CTAs that are of Call to Action:Status = "Closed Success" that were closed in the quarter in question using a count distinct aggregation.

4. Create a Transformation step and use the Numeric Expression to calculate the Count of CTAs Opened / Count of CTAs Closed.

5. Load all three fields to the MDA object with custom fields to set the year/quarter/etc.

I would set this up each quarter and have it run nightly/weekly to keep accurate status as CTAs are created/closed-success throughout the quarter.

Would this accomplish your objective?
For what the request is - it's okay to lose it once it's done.  Remaining is just a 'nice' feature that they are interested in.  If an item isn't completed, then it's notated on another report outside the current cycle (Quarter in this case).

However, I took your steps and saved them.  You gave me an idea for another project I'm mapping out at the moment.  As always, thanks for the inspiration!
Awesome to hear and happy to help!
