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It's been asked if there is a way to report semi-monthly, rather than monthly.  For example, being able to report on information from the 1st - 14th & then again from the 15th - 30th/31st.  Or being able to set dates between X and Y.

Thank you for your feedback.
Hi Sagan, There are workarounds to achieve this. Can you provide exact use-cases what you are looking for?
Hi Sai!  I have a few work around - using 'Past Due = Null' to get in the right area.  But the problem comes in when there are 31 days in the month.

If you could mark this closed - It would be a new post.  As it's shifted to the Rules Engine - If there is a way to automatically assign a Due Date of Last Day of the Month.  Again, it's fine for the months with 30 days - just the months with 31 that get interesting.
