I can’t seem to find the answers I need to this on the support website (if anything there is lots of conflicting material around this topic) so hoping community-to-the-rescue.
We haven’t yet sent any non-operational e-mails so we’re not currently using the opt-out preferences, but we want to start doing so (including moving our customers existing preferences from another platform).
So a couple of questions;
1. There is an opt-out field on both the Person and Company Person objects - which is the one that is referenced when sending a program?
Here it implies it uses the Person record;
Whilst here it implies it uses the Company Person record (as they all need to be unsubscribed separately);
2. If we use a custom object (or even a CSV) to build the participant list, will the system still check against person/company person (and again, which one?) record and exclude those where opt-out = true from the program? e.g. by matching on e-mail address?
I’m sure based on answers I’ll have some follow-up questions…