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Recommended Survey Header Dimensions

  • 30 May 2024
  • 5 replies

When inputting a survey header, I only see an option to select the height, not the width.


What are the recommended dimensions for designing a header banner for surveys?

5 replies

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Hi @Elana Cipin Hope this clarifies

 1) We can select height in the survey header config and width is determined by content area.
 2) You can also try to create Header image wide enough to accommodate various screen sizes, we have the flexibility to change the 630px default survey content area which we can adjust

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@Lalitha Sri Sounds like you’re a pro with survey design. When I’m looking in the survey theme area, I’m not seeing anywhere that is mentioning “content area”. Is that a setting that can be accessed?


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@Elana Cipin : It’s the experience with the product ,Thanks. “content area” what I meant was size of the Page . Please feel free to reach out if any further queries.

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What would the size of the page be? Or does that depend on whether it’s a mobile, tablet or monitor view?

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@Elana Cipin Exactly, the width runs through the length(Horizontally) of the layout that is selected Tab,Mobile,Desktop ".

