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Version 4.24 release of Gainsight includes the following features:

Rules Engine Enhancements

  • Calculated Fields

  • Load to SFDC Object or MDA Subject Area

  • View Number of Salesforce API Calls per Rule Run

  • Improvements in Rule Result Email Attachment

Reporting Enhancements

Survey Enhancements

Cockpit Enhancements

Rules Engine Enhancements

Calculated Fields

The option to Add Calculated Field has been added to the Rules engine and can be used to add a new calculated field to be used in a rule on the fly.

Add Calculated Field in Rules Engine might be used to:

Add a new field that is a rolling average of last 7 days of a usage measure.

  • If the rolling average crosses a high or low threshold, create a CTA or set a score.

  • Load the rolling average to usage data or to a field.

Add a field that is a comparison of aggregated usage measure over last 7 days vs prior 30 days or last 2 weeks vs avg of last 3 months.

  • Use this to identify the trend and create CTA when it it trending low or set a score based on whether it is trending up or down.

  • Load to usage data or to a field.

To learn about how to use this feature click here.

Load to SFDC Object or MDA Subject Area

The option to Load to SFDC Object or MDA Subject Area has been added to the Rules engine and can be used to load data using the rules engine.

This feature might be used to do the following (and much more):

  1. Create a case when CTA is created with a particular reason / severity

  2. Create an opportunity when Usage has crossed certain threshold or exceeded the licensed amount.

  3. Update account object with # of CTA’s opened for that account in last week

  4. Load data that is generated by Gainsight into a custom object. This gives the opportunity for the users who don’t have Gainsight license but want to see the data and report on it.

To learn about how to use this feature click here.

View Number of Salesforce API Calls per Rule Run

This information will not be available for any rule that ran before upgrading to new version.

Improvements in Rule Result Email Attachment

All Rule Result Email attachments will display the Execution logs in the first tab of Excel workbook.

Reporting Enhancements

Exporting Result Set to Excel.png Format

You can now export the Table visualization type to Microsoft Excel and a chart (graphical) visualization type to.png format from CS360.

Figure 1: Exporting the column chart visualization as an image.

Figure 2: Exporting the Table visualization type to Excel format.

Visualization Using Heat Map

You can now visualize your result set using the Heat Map visualization type. You must use a measure and two dimensions to generate a Heat map. For example, in the below figure the Sum of Page Views measure is accompanied with two dimensions Date and Stage Name to generate a Heat Map.

Figure 3: Heat Map.

Figure 4: Chart options that appear in the Settings menu

By default, heat maps will be rendered with Red-Yellow-Green(RYG) color codes. Lowest values will be rendered with shades of red color, mid values will be rendered with shades of yellow, and high values will be rendered using shades of green. You can turn off the RYG colors from the chart options pop-up.

Figure 5: Describing the Show RYG Color Chart Option is Switched Off

Eliminating NULL Values from Result Set

You can now eliminate NULL Values from the result set using filters.

If the final result set contains NULL values, they appear as NA in a graphical chart. You can address this irrelevant data using filters.

Ability to filter out NULL values are applicable only for = and != operators. When the operator is =, all records with the field value NULL is included in the report. If the operator is !=, all records with NULL value in the field will be excluded from the result.

Figure 7: Removing NULL values from result set using filters.

Extended Character Length and Percentage Denomination for Pie Chart Legends

The character length of legends in a pie chart is increased to 20. The legends are now arranged in a descending order based on the percentage of share in a pie chart.

Figure 8: Pie chart showing legends arranged in a descending order based on percentage value

Sorting Graphical Charts/Adding or Removing Labels

You can now sort a graphical chart in an ascending or a descending fashion, add or remove labels and data points (labels) from a graphical chart.

Note: In this release, these actions can be performed only in the following graphical charts: Bar, Column, Stacked bar, Stacked Column, and Column Line.

Figure 9: Showing stage name arranged in a descending fashion and available Chart options.

To configure chart sorting, click on the chart options and in the chart sorting section, choose the sort type and the field on which you’d like to sort.

  • For bar/column chart following will be the list of available fields to sort selection

    • All measure in show me
    • Category/dimension displayed in X-axis

  • For stacked bar/column chart following will be the list of available fields to sort selection

    • All measure in show me
    • Category/dimension displayed in X-axis
    • Total value of each bar/column

Refresh Report

You can now refresh a report. Previously, you had to make some changes in the report to make the report render again. With the new release, click on the refresh button and the report will be rendered with the most latest data available in the data store.

Survey Enhancements

Drill Downs in Survey Analyze Page

You can now drill into graphs from survey analyze page. Click on any section of graphical reports and a pop-up with the underlying data representing the section in the graph will be displayed as follows. Contents in the drill down is dependent on the question type. Drill downs are supported on all question types except for Ranking question type.

Other Survey Enhancements

  • Ability to add the following # of participants from the grid in survey schedule page

    • SFDC mailer - 100
    • Gainsight email services and Marketo - 1000

  • Make "Last activity time" column in grid sortable
  • Allow the ability to include/exclude comments section of NPS survey questions

Cockpit Enhancements

You will now be able modify the CTA detail view layout to include custom fields from Call to Action, Account and Customer Info object.

To make these modifications you will go to:

  • Administration

  • Cockpit Configuration

  • Detail view layout configuration

There will be 2 new sections in the detailed view to show these fields. One section called

  1. Call to Action to show fields from CTA

  2. Account to show fields from Account and customer info object.

While adding fields to either of these section you can also group them. A default group is already added to these sections and this default group cannot be deleted.

By default all added fields are marked as read only. All modifiable fields can be changed to become editable. Formula fields and standard fields on CTA and CustomerInfo that are part of the package like CTA reason, CTA type and Customer Status will not be editable.

Layouts can be customized based on CTA type. You can have a different layouts for Risk vs Opportunity vs Event. Select the appropriate type from the Select type drop down near the top left corner of the layout configuration section.

You can use this feature to track additional attributes across a CTA like a Risk outcome or Executive sponsor and also to modify SFDC data like account attributes from within the CTA

Viewing and modifying data from detail view layout

The detail view section will be updated based on the configuration and all fields that are set to editable and can be edited from the respective sections. After this upgrade you will notice that Account and CustomerInfo fields are moved under the Account section and fields from CTA are moved under Call to Action section.

Linking other salesforce records to a CTA

You can now link CTA with another SFDC object that is related to an account. Example: SFDC Opportunity, Milestone etc.

Once you select an object from the general settings linking settings, a new fields will be created on the CTA object which will hold reference to the linked record. Enabling bi-directional sync will create a fields on the linked object back to hold reference on the linked record back to the CTA. De-linking the object will not remove fields from the corresponding objects and should be deleted manually from the back end.

Once an object is associated, you will see a new section under the layout configuration where you can add fields from the selected object into that section. And from the Cockpit detail view, you will be able to create a new record of this type or link with an existing record. Example: You could create a new SFDC opportunity or link with an existing opportunity from cockpit detail view.


  1. If you are linking to any Gainsight object, you will only be able to link a CTA with an existing record but will not be able to create new records.

  2. ‘Task’, ‘Case’ and ‘Call to action’ objects are not supported.

Other Enhancements

Formatting options for numeric and currency fields in 360 summary section

Earlier formatting for fields was auto-determined and even if a text fields contained a numeric value, you would see a number formatting applied on that field. Now while adding numeric or currency fields to left pane of 360 view summary section, you can choose the formatting option. Also all text fields will be rendered as is and no formatting will be applied.

Sales Force Components Introduced

Visualforce Pages


Object Fields

  1. ApplicationSettings__c:

    1. CTA_Association_Metadata__c
    2. Task_Association_Metadata__c

  2. CustomerInfo__c:

    1. LifecycleInWeeks__c (formula field updated)

Permission Set

New Permission Set named "Gainsight Special" is created to handle permissions for
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