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Mass remove CSMs from Inactive accounts using rules engine.

Currently, the rules engine requires that i enter a value if i'm going to update an SFDC Object or Customer Info object/record. 

I feel we should have the ability, as Admins, to remove a CSM name via the Rules Engine. I do not want to replace the CSM with another CSM, i want the field to be blank/null.

is this possible?
Admins can update the CSM names to null/blank via bionic rules. You can create a dummy object in salesforce with a lookup relation to account and a custom text field (blank).

Then setup a bionic rule with two dataset tasks:

1. Fetch Account ID and Blank Text Field from Dummy Object (Note that there will not be any records in this)

2. Fetch Account ID and CSM from the Account object (Inactive Account Status or any other filter condition can be added as per the requirement)

Then add a merge task with mapping field as Account ID retaining all records from Dataset task 2 above.

Setup the action "Load to SFDC Object" with Object as "Account". Use Account ID as identifier and map blank text field to CSM field in Account.

Run the rule. It will update all inactive account CSMs as blank/null.  Please find attached the screenshots.

Alternatively, You can create a custom blank text field in Account object and use a custom rule with "Load to SFDC object" action to update Account CSM as blank.

We are working on an enhancement where you can add default value as null/blank which the system doesn't allow today. Will Keep you posted on this.

Hope this helps!
