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Is it possible to reorder the tasks in a Bionic rule after it has already been created.  For example, I want to add a new dataset and merge task upstream from my final merge task.  When I do this, I end up with two datasets which produces an error.  The only way I can figure to accomplish this is to delete tasks, create my new task, then re-create the deleted tasks which is not ideal.
Hi Kyleo,

We are working on an enhancement in fall release after which  all the tasks in the set up will be available to be consumed on the action screens. We also have reordering of actions in the backlog.

All the tasks in the Bionic Rule should be one single tree. There cannot be more than one different task paths. And all the tasks will be consumable in actions.

To your question, You can add a new dataset task and merge it with the final merge task. In that case, your final merge task will get changed.

Let me know if this helps.


Thanks, not sure that helps.  I am not looking for anything to do with Actions.  I want to be able to reorder tasks in the Setup screen so that I don't have to delete and recreate existing tasks if I want to add a new one anywhere but at the end of the existing chain.
Hey Kyleo, Could you please share the exact use-case for reordering of tasks. 
