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I am trying to create a pivot table on a report I have built in the Report Builder. The pivot is needed to display the data in a form that is actionable for our CSMs. Basically, just showing the clients usage behavior on each metric we measure and the date of the last time a user utilized that feature in our platform.

However, I noticed that when [i]I apply the pivot on either the User's name or the Usage Event, the date field converts from a Date to a String. So, if the original value was "3/26/17", after the pivot, this is marked as "2,017". So, it drops the day and month, and to me it looks like it's a string field due to the comma. 

Just wanted to post this to see if this was expected behavior or if there was a workaround this issue? Thanks!
Hi Manmeet, are you using Excel or Google Sheets (or something else) to do your pivot? Is the export file in CSV or XLS format?
Hi Dan,

I was just using the "Apply Pivot" option in the Report Builder. Screenshot below:

I haven't used this option before on Pivot tables, so I was just seeing if this was something that would work for my use case. 
Hi Manmeet, Pivot enhancement in Reports.

Previously, pivot on reports used to happen on the UI (on the already presented data). But, with this enhancement, Admins can now pivot reports on the entire dataset from the server-side.

Note: The maximum number of pivoted columns visible in a report are 53. In CSV exports, you can see the entire dataset without limits.

 Please refer the release notes for more information. 

Thanks for posting!​
Thanks Sai for the update!
@Manmeet, Hope this solved your problem.
