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I'm attempting to build a dashboard report that rolls up Cockpit data into a stacked bar graph. 

Requirement is:

Count of Objectives

By Cockpit Status (Overdue, Today, Next 7 Days, Upcoming)

By Account Name

Account name should be the bottom Axis, and the Stacked bar above each account should show a breakout of Objectives by Cockpit Statuses

Having a hard time figuring out how to do this.


I can't find a way to do exactly what you're asking, but this might be close enough to help. The field it seems like you want to group by is "Overdue Type" but if I drop that into the group by, it throws an error.

The layout on the screenshots below allow you to see the number of objectives by account and whether or not they are overdue (but not more granular than that). You can get more granular by clicking within the report to see whether the Objective is "overdue", "open", or "due next 7 days".

Here's the configuration set up and what the report looks like:

Clicking into the report:

Would this work for you?
