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Is there a way I can create a line chart showing the % of CTAs closed within 7 days summarized by week (created date) and filtered by assignee? I feel like the data is there, but not sure how to set up a report to show it in this format or if a custom field calculating the % may need to be created.

Hey Katie

I created a Vidyard Video that you can view here, but in order to do this you need a formula field added to the Call to Action object. I believe that there are in report formulas on the report roadmap, but if you are looking to get this done today, this will be the easiest way.

Formula on Call to Action object

  • label= Closed in 7 days

  • type = checkbox

  • value = IF( JBCXM__ClosedDate__c - JBCXM__CreatedDate__c <= 7, TRUE, FALSE)

Basically, this field will then allow us to do the appropriate grouping and summarization, giving you what you were looking for.

That is exactly what I needed. Thank you!
