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When I create any chart off the MDA, the Columns i'm selecting are not saving in the order I put them in.

My management would like the columns saved in a specific order: (1) Account Name, (2) Program, (3) CSM Name, for example. But after I click save and view the columns again, they are rearranged and out of order.

Support/T2 says:

"This behavior is only

present on MDA reports, while SFDC reports will carry the changes throughout

the product. This is expected behavior"

I feel like this [i]should not be an expected behavior. Why is it an expected behavior to rearrange my columns and when do you think we can expect to see an update/patch to address this issue?

Totally agree!  The "This is expected behavior" is soooo frustrating when how it's behaving is NOT what you'd expect or want. 
