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Reset scores to NA

  • 7 April 2016
  • 3 replies

Previously we were making accounts without a current NPS red on the scorecard.  We are updating how the scores are set and would like accounts without a current NPS to be an NA so they don't bring the average score down.  I have this as part of my rule, but the scores are not resetting.  The scores are set to expire after 12 weeks.  Will that put it back to NA?  How do I change the ones currently set?
Hello Andrea - 2 part answer for you:  first, the 12-week expiration setting is meant to flag 'stale' scores - it doesn't get reset, but on a scorecard report, or in the Cust360, you'll see a red exclamation point on that metric to show that it hasn't been updated in 12 weeks.  Useful, but unfortunately won't help in this case.

As for resetting accounts without a current NPS - how are you able to find those accounts?  This may be a classic case of needing to find the customers that DON'T have any NPS records associated with them - which is a little tricky.

However, if all the accounts that need NPS scores reset have old  NPS answers, you could create a separate rule that looks at the NPS responses, and then the MAX Response Date for each.  In Actions, you can then set the score to NA for the where the MAX Response Date is less than "Rule Date minus 90 Days" (or however long the period is).

Hope that helps a little, at least - if you have to find Accounts with no NPS responses, look to this thread for my description on doing that at the link just below - otherwise, I've added a screenshot or two for finding the 'Stale' scores to reset.


Part 1, good to know.

Part 2: The rule that runs to set the NPS measure is based on Avg of NPS score w/ a filter of NPS Response Date Greater or equal Subtract 90 days from Rule Date.

Therefore, if create an Action to set to NA if that field is null, I should be in business, right? 

Hi Andrea - I wish it were the case (and actually, the great news is that this feature is already being worked on for a future release).  

What's actually happening in the 'setup rule' phase is  only looking for account records that have NPS responses in the past 90 days, and then averaging the responses.  Picture the "setup rule" as pulling together a list if Account IDs with the average score and then sending that list to the "Actions" rule area to set the score.

This means that, for the accounts with no responses in the last 90 days, there isn't even an account ID in the list that goes over to the Action.  The only account Account ID with no value in the AVG field - there isn't an account ID there at all.  Again, we do have a feature planned that will carry "leftovers" to the Actions area as well if desired so you can then reset, or set, scores.

In the meantime, you can set up a 2nd rule, following the screenshots I posted, and that should reset every score for records that got scores at an earlier time because there was an NPS response at one point. Set it up, give it a test run and see if the list it says it's going to set back to NA matches what you're seeing in Gainsight.  Good luck!
