
Rolling up Relationship Health to Customer Health

  • 28 September 2017
  • 9 replies

We have implemented Relationships and have built measures and scorecards for our products.  I'm trying to determine how we use these relationship scores to rollup to the Customer Health.

Our customer health is going to be a combination of the Relationship score(s) and a few customer specific measures.

I looked at the "Scorecard Fact" object from Native Data, but that looks to only contain Customer scorecard Metrics.  Is there an object that contains Relationship scorecard metrics?

9 replies

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You can pull the information from the Relationship Scorecard History object. You might want to use a Bionic rule rather than the custom ones. In case it helps, mine looks like this:

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And one more detail, the rule you run it at the Account level and then you have to set actions for each metric and each score. A bit tedious, but it gets the job done.

It would be awesome if we could either have copy / paste functionalities within the action editor or if we could export rules, edit them and upload again... one can only hope :-D

Hope this helps...

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the spot on tip, Marcelo AND for promoting Bionic Rules too!

Chris - Bionic rules are the way to go. They not only do everything that Custom rules do but they also allow combining and merging data from multiple source objects, pivoting, transforming and aggregating that data too. 

Also, at some point down the road we will require all new rules to be created using the Bionic engine, so now is a great time to start using the new rules features. 

Here are some resources to help get you started:

Getting started with Bionic Rules

Fetch Task Creation (essentially what Custom rules used to be)

Training path on Bionic Rules creation

Hi Chris & Marcelo,

We are thinking of introducing a feature (in scorecards v2.0) to allow relationship scores to be aggregated (rolled-up) into a measure at the account scorecard level directly. We wanted a couple of inputs from you regarding this 

1) Would it be sufficient if the "[i]Overall Score" of the relationships is aggregated at the account level? Or would you want the ability to roll up individual metrics of relationships into separate metrics at the account level?

2) How would you want to allocate the [i]weights (for the relationship scores) while rolling up to the account level? Would basic aggregation like Min, Max, Average be sufficient? If not, what other ways would you want to allocate these weights?(for example custom weights based on the relationship type or weights based on relationship properties like Revenue)

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1) For our specific use case it would be sufficient having the overall score, but I can see how other customers might want to have roll up to other metrics.

2) This would be very specific to how we handle relationships, but for us we would never have scores at the account level for accounts with relationship, so this is a mute point for us. I could also see how other customers might want to be able to allocate weights from the roll-up on a per metric basis.


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1. The overall score is all we would need to pull into the account scorecards for each relationship type.

2. We will only have each relationship used once per customer so we do not have a need to solve for multiple instances of the same relationship type. 

In a pie in the sky type of world, we would be able to set the weight of each relationship on the account scorecard based on a calculation. Our calculation would be based on % of total ARR for each relationship allowing those that are the heaviest revenue drivers to have the largest impact. 
Userlevel 7
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I like that idea Samantha about adjusting weighting based on revenue drivers!
Thanks a lot Marcelo and Samantha for the sharing your inputs on this.
This is great! Thanks for your inputs and recommendations everyone!
