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Hi all,

I'm trying to create a report that displays the historical data for a group score in a scorecard 2.0. The scorecard is numerical, but I really only care about it's red,green,yellow data in this report. However, in the Account Scorecard History MDA table, it seems to only show me the number, and any label or colour field I can find only references the overall score, not the group score I'm looking for.

I've ended up with a graph that is divided into many, many sections. Is there any way for me to group these back together into their proper colours? Or does anyone have another idea how to accomplish this? 

I've attached an example of the graph I've created here. You can see how it's divided. It causes confusion because it  doesn't actually order the numbers in numerical order... I just want all the reds, greens and yellows grouped together.

Hi Dallis,

Have you tried to do a group by based on the Overall Score/Measure Score and create a filter for the scorecard for which you want to see the data , you should be able to see the scorecard history report automatically show you the scores grouped by Red, Green and Yellow instead of the overall score number. Please see a example below - 

Let us know if you have issues.


Abhishek S
Ahhh okay thank you! I didn't realize filtering it that way would display the data in groups. Thank you this worked perfectly!
Abhishek - 

How did you configure the "snapshot date" field? In my scorecard 2.0 fact object that does not exist, and any date I pull in looks like Dallis' view where it's a bunch of random dates with no information.

There doesn't seem to be another posting on this and wanted to check here before I created a new post.
