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I'm very new to Gainsight as the Admin/Config for my business unit.  One of my rules is failing now and I don't know what the error indicates and looking for some direction...


- MDARule Execution failed: CSV header 0012A00001wCFvYQAW" does not

exist with any field alias name."

I didn't set up any MDA stuff (done by Gainsight team that did initial setup) so I'm lost here...
I am no expert at reading error logs, but my gut tells me something is incorrect with how the columns headers are configured in your CSV file. If I remember correctly, these need to correspond to SF fields to make them usable.

A few questions for you:

  • What columns/data are in your CSV file?

  • Where is that being uploaded into Gainsight?

  • What is your rule looking to accomplish?
Depending on what you are looking to do, you may be able to use a PowerList instead. This would likely be easier if your end goal was an email to some list of customers from that CSV file. Here is an article on how to upload that CSV for use with a PowerList:
Hello Mendy!

If the issue is still persisting please send a ticket to Gainsight Support.

This is working now as I suppose it was related to the issue that was recently fixed
Correct, we did recently did a hotfix.
