S3 Best Practices
Sample job creation:
*S3 Dataset Task in Bionic Rules:
*Use File Analyzer to proactively identify and resolve any issues in the file.
S3 Job Recommendations:
Use Bionic rules for data ingestion (for better error logging and/ or for further transformations before loading to target object)
Enable archiving for future reference
Enable post file upload to trigger rule - ‘Event’ based scheduling
Ensure a minimum gap of two hours between file uploads.
Whenever possible, break large files to chunks of 100MB for easy debugging incase of errors
Use notification emails for the success/ failed jobs.
File Naming conventions:
Avoid spaces in the file names
File name given in the job configuration and the file loaded in the S3 bucket should be same
Check for case sensitivity
File Properties:
Ensure that file properties given in the job match with the file
Field Separator (comma, pipe, semicolon, space, tab)
Text Qualifier (Double Quote, Single Quote)
Escape Character (Backslash, Double Quote, Single Quote)
Compression Type (None, bzip, gzip)
Character Encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3)
Make sure that encoding is not in BOM
Field Mappings:
Source CSV field should match exactly with CSV header names (case sensitive)
AVOID having leading or trailing spaces in CSV header names
AVOID placing special characters in CSV header names (unless required)
AVOID having duplicate CSV header names
For Decimal Number fields mention the number of decimal places to be retained
For Date or DateTime type fields specify the required date format using the gear icon
Recommended DATE format MM-dd-yyyy
Recommended DATETIME format MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm or MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Update the mapping immediately if you’re making changes to the existing field labels in the source or in the target object
Data load Operations:
Identifier keys not required for INSERT
Identifier keys are mandatory for UPDATE and UPSERT jobs
Make sure that the identifier keys are always populated
Use standard Id fields and date fields for identifiers as a best practice
Dos and Don’ts:
Do not send empty files for data ingestion, triggers unnecessary jobs/ emails
Do not send files without headers
Do not send duplicate records in a file even if you’re using Update or Upsert
Identifiers should never be NULL, if you’re using multiple identifiers make sure that all of them are properly populated
Use text qualifiers (“ or ‘) as much as possible - this makes sure that file processing doesn’t break upon encountering delimiters or escape characters or special characters within the text
Make sure that date format is consistent across a field (or column)
If you’re passing long/ rich text values - ensure that text qualifiers are properly handled
Use escape characters wherever possible
For picklist values, make sure that they are already available under existing dropdown list categories