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Feedback from Jeff Kirkpatrick:

With the Scorecard UI Enhancements in this release, the Scorecard Measure names are getting truncated in the C360 view where they were not before:



Both of those are at 100% zoom resolution in Chrome.

Oh interesting.

I am not a fan of the new UI look and feel here:

  • Scorecard groups are a bit harder to pick out now that the score is not visually indented.

  • The 'bar chart' presentation seems very light-weight, with a lot of white space between bars, which seems to diminish the importance of the scorecard history. Put another way, the history looks...well...'small'.

  • The "Modified on mm/dd/yyyy by User X" is also truncated such that you can only get the first 4 characters of the updater's name. If you are going to truncate this (to what looks like 30 characters), then don't also consume 26 of those characters 'getting to' the updater's name.

  • To Jeff's point, the truncation of the Measure name is new.

I actually posted this myself yesterday:

Can it be merged into this one?

Agree. This was not an improvement.
