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[Note: this info is based on an internal how-to conversation which we thought might benefit others in the Community!]

A customer set their scorecard grading scheme as follows: Red 0 - 50, Yellow 51 - 75 and green 76 +. When you attempt to adjust the range for yellow to 51-75 it automatically adjusts the red range to 0 - 51. If 51 is included in both the yellow and red ranges, how do we determine which bucket a score of 51 will be grouped in?



Except for the 0-X range, the “From” value is not included in the scoring scheme ranges.  In the example above, 51 is not counted twice, it is counted in the Red range only. So in the case of:

1) 0-51 range, scores 0-51  are considered as Red.
2) 51-75 range, scores 52-75 are Yellow.
3) 75-100 range, scores 76-100 are Green.

There are no current plans to modify the Label so that 51-75 actually equals 51-75 due to the complexity of the fix. These are not small changes as scheme definitions form the core of measure and rollup scores. We are looking into adding a note that appears when the “Numeric (0-100)” score display option is selected to clarify any confusion on the scoring ranges.

For more information on Scorecards 2.0, click here.


it would be great to enable high and low range edits.  Due to our weightings some scores actually become not whole numbers, so the overall score could be 51.25 which is really greater than 51 but because GS rounds it down to 51 it becomes red instead of yellow.   
