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Wondering if anyone has faced this issue, every time sandbox is refreshed the search bar stops returning values for company records. 

I ran a report on Company and see that the records are there, just now searchable. 


Anyone seen this before? 


found the solution and surprisingly not documented at 😓


I was coming in here to share exactly what you found already @AnaCosta . No, it is not well documented. I suggest an internal doc of post-refresh steps required based on your org setup...and based on hangups of Gainsight. 

A few other notes that you may want to consider post-refresh:

  • You need to request for support to turn on email service in order to be able to send any emails from sandbox, including report/dashboard link share emails
  • For those link share emails, you need an SSL config setup between support and your IT team as well, otherwise the links will appear as unsafe and possibly unclickable
  • If you are looking to test end to end JO emails, you should also get the CNAME setup to whitelist the Sendgrid email domain
  • If you are using External Actions in any rules, they all need to be reset up, including the Connectors set up and access key info
  • S3 bucket needs to be reset up, including any config of rules or Data Designs using this

Hope this is helpful!
