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Is there a way to add a field to the Sponsor Tracking section that will just let you view the contact?  Or a way to include the eyeball?  We have a link on the Contact that we want the CSMs to be able to access via GS, but it appears that in order to do so, I'll have to create a separate widget for Contact instead of using the Sponsor Tracking widget.  
Hi Heather,

Just trying to make sure if I understood the question correctly, You would like to display a particular field on the contact's sponsor tracking card in C360?

This can be done by configuring sponsor tracking section in admin. Admin->C360 Layouts->Edit Layout->Configure Sponsor Tracking Section. The limitation here is that the fields displayed on the card can be configured but the labels on the card are hardcoded and will always show the standard labels.

Let me know if your query is something different.
