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We are facing an issue with the static resource limits on our orgs. Salesforce currently has a hard limit on 250MB. The current version of Gainsight is taking up about 1/5 th of the overall limit available for our org. What is the size of static resources used in the latest GS package(v5.6) and how can it be decreased? I am reaching out to see if any one had a similar issue.
Hi Divya, 

The static resources size as of 5.6 / 5.7 is 50MB. We are working on it to reduce the size. You can expect 20-25% reduction in size in summer release. 

This is WIP, I will update here with final numbers when we are done with complete cleanup of static resources 

Thank you Azhar. With this limitation, we are currently unable to upgrade to the latest version of Gainsight. Do you have the dates for Summer release?
Should be towards the end of August
A big +1 to this
What is the current static resource size, I believe it increased after the spring release?
Hi Everyone,

The static resource is now 37MB with Summer release (5.9)

