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Hey Teams!

Looks like we do not currently support summarizing by Date fields in Reports built off of the Standard Objects at this time. 

When building off of "Activity Timeline" for example, we do not have the option in the settings for the field in the by section. 

Our customers have expressed the interest to have this functionality in their reports!

Thanks for your time,

Logan Thome
Me too this issue.

We were intending to the Timeline Activities to track CSM efficiency as well as use it for forecasting for hires as well as segmentation of our customers and the workload they present based on various metrics. However, if we are unable to summarize in these reports by week or month, our hands are rather tied in regards to the capability that we expected from this functionality. It was showcased by one of the speakers at Pulse that reports like this could be built, so it is rather disappointing that this is actually not feasible, especially when this is possible with non-Standard Objects.

Please address this asap!
Currently Summarized by on date/datetime fields is implemented only for SFDC and Redshift objects.

For Mongo, Postgres and HApostgres this is not yet implemented. All the standard objects are built on 'HApostgres'
Is this on the roadmap? This capability is imperative for us to be able to use just GS reports and be able to move away from excel/google sheets, a selling point of using GS.
Is there an update to this and where it sits on the roadmap? Seems silly that the objects that are created by Gainsight to help track things like Activity, Email Logs, Outreaches, etc. are not supported with the group by date. This immediately removes the ability to be able to leverage dashboards with these objects. 
While I appreciate that there are different systems in place on the backend, that's appropriately transparent to anyone building a report. Consistency in this area is important.
Not being about to summarize by a date field from the Company Standard Object is severely limiting us in tracking upcoming renewals by health score. Is there an update here?
We are actively working on supporting summarized by a date in Standard objects as we speak. This will be available in Aug' 18 timeframe. Will update again here if there is any change in the expected availability timeframe.


Thanks Venky, that's a great news!

Please refer this article for more information.
I would like to summarize date fields from Data space!
