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For better hygiene and auditing purposes, any changes made to an instance, even copying rules, should be labeled as completed by a Support agent, Admin on Demand, TAM, etc. Numerous times I have gone to check a rule and found that a copy was created. If the Support team created it, it was not subsequently deleted, leaving me with the task of hygiene when a reference is no longer (or wasn't) needed. I also look back and try to determine who configured something and have found myself thinking, "That's odd. I don't recall creating that."

There should be a way to log actions specifically taken by a Gainsight employee.

We've had a similar problem. We've established a policy with GS support that they cannot create, modify or run anything without our explicit permission and I always ask that they clean up after themselves when they are done. This is successful about 90% of the time.

Maybe something worth requesting on our end as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
