We use Gainsight exclusively for our NPS surveys. It was one of the 1st additional software costs we were able to eliminate after buying Gainsight. We previously used Customer Gauge.
I have a hard time thinking of anything I dislike about Gainsight and NPS. I believe that the additional of AI is just going to kick it up even more. We are only starting to explore that piece , but so far it looks fantastic. We don’t currently utilize the CSAT , but only because it’s an inherent part of what the software our support teams use and it wasn’t critical to move them.
We are running NPS in Gainsight, now exclusively and have been getting a much higher response rate since we did as it’s allowed us to lower the logistics around NPS both from a technical perspective and CSx perspective.
Why we switched:
- Easier to distribute and scale NPS as part of our various Digital CS engagements, leveraging CSx as the message bearer
- Easier to integrate follow-up workflow to daily CS engagements and day-to-day
- Data in one place
- Hands-off recurring engagement based on Gainsight data (reducing data feeds between systems)
What we struggle with (in general, though, not specifically for NPS surveys):
- Dropdown questions (single select and multi-select) do not connect with data management picklists which makes managing options a nightmare
- Difficulties sourcing the survey link when we need to resend it because “sorry I deleted the message in error”
- Missing question types
- Layout issues for multi-select and single select picklists
- The endless need to develop rules to update records (you’d expect a more seamless approach to feeding data from survey to company or relationship in an integrated product, although that is no different to importing data from Qualtrics to Gainsight)
- Some areas of survey layouts can’t be localized (for example, footer)
- Permissions to send the survey manually and access survey insights
Here are some things that have been an annoyance to us:
@alizee this is super helpful and very thorough. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond!!
@im4tide thank you so much for the feedback!!