Temporarily disabling of GIF uploads

  • 20 April 2020
  • 8 replies

Hi all, just letting you know we need to temporarily disable GIF uploads on the platform for the next 24 hours as we perform some upgrades - we’ll use this post to keep everyone informed as to exactly when we re enable the functionality again, apologies for any inconvenience caused by this! :grin:

8 replies


Thanks for the heads-up! Is this regarding all GIF uploads? So for article images as well as the “insert image” function in the editor?

The real question here is how you got that persistent banner up top, cos that’s amazzzzzing.

Userlevel 2

The real question here is how you got that persistent banner up top, cos that’s amazzzzzing.

@banthonisz check this :point_right_tone1:  Feature Topics on your community

Thanks for the heads-up! Is this regarding all GIF uploads? So for article images as well as the “insert image” function in the editor?

Hi @bjoern_schulze  yep thats correct - its disabled across the board for the time being :)


This limitation is still going on, right?

@bjoern_schulze  yep apologies - we ended up running into some unforeseen issues with the patch at the last minute, its in the final stages of being tested now and im hoping will be deployed later on today and we can reenable the functionality again. As soon as its done i’ll let you know here.

Hi @bjoern_schulze it should be back to normal now - any issues please let me know.

