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We want to create a trended WoW accounts with no activity for 30 days line graph report 

@michelleb Did you get a chance to explore Data Designer? This would be possible with Data Designer. 

Timeline activiteit is the object, please give a try and let us know if you need any help.

Hi @michelleb 

In our Gainsight org, we segmented the customers into Gold, Silver, and Bronze and then from there we created an “engagement status” which is a boolean value. This status is automatically updated based on the number of days since last touch (30. 30, or 90 days based on segment).

We were able to do something very similar to show whether we are engaged or not engaged within the defined period of time. 

Hope the above might help solve your problem a bit - happy to go into more details as to how we are utilizing if helpful.



@michelleb I’ve done a Days Since Last Activity report to show top customers, i.e highest # of days. You could essentially achieve the same by showing the Last Timeline Activity Date. I found the latter troublesome because the eyes want to look to the right but you’re really looking for those on the left, based on the chronological X-axis. So the bigger bars in the former setup worked better for us. 
