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Does anyone know the attachment limit for timeline activities?

Maximum attachments per activity = five and maximum file size of the total attachments = 30 MB.

Thanks Dan! Is there any future request to increase this limit?

Not currently. Do you have situations where 30MB is not sufficient?

Only one request thus far, I will keep you posted.

We just have our folks host on Google Drive and link to it if that is an issue, in case that helps.

@dan_ahrens  : Is there any MDA object where we can see the details about the Timeline Attachment.

Hi @sayan  you can view attachments and search titles of attachments in the Global Timeline tab. 

Referred :

As per the mentioned calculation the maximum number of size per attachment should be 25MB. 
Also, In case of email to timeline I could see below limitations.

I am working with customer in which they wanted to know if the number of attachment can be increased to more than 5 keeping maximum number of size at the same level?

Referred :

As per the mentioned calculation the maximum number of size per attachment should be 25MB. 
Also, In case of email to timeline I could see below limitations.

I am working with customer in which they wanted to know if the number of attachment can be increased to more than 5 keeping maximum number of size at the same level?

I will take this request back to the engineering team and check the possibilities.

I’d like to add my vote to this.   A limit of 5 attachments is frequently exceeded by images in users’ email signatures.  
