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Is the ability to use trend lines a feature that is being considered in a future update? I am auditing case histories from SalesForce in CS360 and can achieve various ways to graph however allowing a trend line feature would be great to show the dynamics of a historical change.

Thanks for the help!


We don't store any history for any Standard or Custom Objects in Gainsight. So the Trendlines across any object is not possible. :(

However there is one way to try to do this (I have never tried it though)

1. Create a Custom object to store history of cases 

2. Create a Rule that populates this object with count of cases into this object every Month

3. Also have a account lookup on this object and a date field to store the month 

Since you have count of cases for every month populated via rules every month/week/day You can achieve this Trendlines. 

Thanks :)
