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As an admin user, I can see the Global Timeline View. I am trying to configure it for non-admin users and am running into difficulty. I cannot see this dialog box that is referenced in the KB.

Instead - This is what I see

Has anybody seen this before?

Hi Vinod,

The configure for section which you have highlighted in above image will be available if Relationships are enabled.

Generally, you can enabled/disable Timeline from the bottom section Enable Timeline in --> Timeline Primary Tab. From the screenshot you share I see that Global Timeline (i.e., Timeline Primary Tab) is already enabled.

Thanks. It is not clear from the documentation that this is the case. Appreciate the clarification.

@neelam_mukherjee - FYI documentation feedback in this thread.

Thanks for the feedback! Updated the following doc keeping the feedback in mind.

Your valuable feedback is extremely important to us!

Thanks for the update Prashath
