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While troubleshooting some missing Customer records, I noticed that there are occasions when the SFDC Account -> Customer load reports no failures, but the Customer record does not get the Status (Active) successfully set. This is despite the Account load rule to set Status being in place, and working on most Customers. Therefore, these wayward Customer records are effectively 'null' on the Status field.

# The null Customer records are unsearchable by name in the Gainsight UI, but upon reviewing a list of all Gainsight Customers, the record exists and has data from the SFDC Account.

# Selecting the Customer record, you'll note that the Status field is blank. Select Edit on the Customer record, and the UI appears to allow access to a dropdown to change the Customer Status. The UI box freezes, despite having full Gainsight admin perms. The usual methods of escape (for a web app) don't do anything. Pressing ESC does.

This was a support case that was fixed the first time by running a report to find the wayward Customer records and mark the Status Active. It does appear to happen on occasion.
 Hi Ekow, 

Thanks for posting this. It is not usual for a Customer Info record to a have an empty Status. We will approach you again via our support channel to track this to closure.


Hi Ekow, I recently started going through all of the unanswered  or unresolved problems and questions here. Was checking to see if this has been resolved or if it is an ongoing issue?
I cannot claim there's an issue that is fixed, or not. But it has not occurred recently.
