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Hi Team

Currently a customer has 2 scorecards for few accounts and looking to update the score card measures which is not selected in the C360 section. When they run the rule the rule is updating the accounts in which that score card is selected in C360 section and for remaining accounts it is not getting updated as those accounts doesn’t have that scorecard selected in the C360 section. Is there a way that customer can update the measure irrespective of which scorecard they have in C360 ?

@sandeepchidiri We can only have one active scorecard at any given point in time. We are working on improving how scorecard assignment happens when more than one scorecards are applicable to an account. Would that help your issue?

It will not be possible to update more than on scorecard at the same point in time. Happy to suggest workarounds if you need it. Please let me know more about the issue.



