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I am trying to setup a Conditional Wait on a Program in Journey Orchestrator and I keep hitting this issue. The Conditional Wait I am trying to do is based off of a Participant Field called "Instance Name". This is a free text field, but in reality, it can only be 20 characters long without any spaces/special characters. My goal is to have the condition be "Instance Name = NULL" be the success item. I.e. if the name is still null, then they continue in the flow.

However, I am not able to save this as a blank value, and there is no null checkbox. I assume this is due to the field I am using being text.

I'd really like to get around this so we can consolidate what is currently 4 powerlist/template/outreach combos and a CTA rule into one Email Chain Program in Journey Orchestrator. It would be WAY cleaner.

Any ideas?
Hey Ben - 

I ran into a similar problem with another client.  You are correct that the null checkbox is not currently a feature.  To get around this, I would recommend defaulting that text field to (literal string) "NULL" and/or using process builder/rules engine to backfill.  Then you can use the "NULL" as a check in your JO.  Let me know if that would work?


Thanks for the idea Tim. Unfortunately, that will not work for us in this situation. That field is tied to our AWS servers and the input is used to actually generate the customer's server. Once something is populated, it's locked. So putting a placeholder in of that nature won't be feasible.
Sorry for the trouble, Ben.  Here is another thought.  In your Bionic Query could you add another field in a Transform task using the string formula Length().  Including that as a participant field would let you check wither the value is Zero or not. 
I’ll give that a shot!
I'll need to do some final testing, but that seems to have worked! Thank you Karl!
Hi All,

Thanks for bringing out this gap. We will address it soon.


Abhishek S
Any update on if this will be addressed in a future release? Just ran into this issue while trying to set up a program that looks for the presence/absence of a date value.
