
v5.5 Survey Text Analytics - only for NPS comments?

  • 22 February 2017
  • 24 replies

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Gainsight v5.5 brings advanced text analytics to the survey module. Can the text analytics be configured for any open text field or only for the comments field attached to the NPS question type?

Best answer by karl_rumelhart 19 September 2018, 22:03

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24 replies

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Only for NPS comments at this time.  Clearly we will want to extend it for other surveys with heavy text response but this is our 'crawl' stage. 
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We use a separate question to gather NPS comments -- not the NPS question's Comments field -- because we are not able to set that Comments field to Required. In order to get those comments to be visible in the C360, I use DataLoader after the survey is closed to insert them into JBCXM__SurveyResponse__c.JBCXM__NPSComment__c.

It was not clear to me from the text analytics support article whether those comments would be captured by text analytics. Does the once-every-24-hours text analytics process [i]only look at records that were [i]created in JBCXM__SurveyResponse__c within the past 24 hours, or would the text analytics pick up the comments that I had [i]inserted into [i]existing records created more than 24 hours ago?
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Hey Seth, 

We turned on NPS Text Analysis and I noticed it went back and did the analysis on some past surveys.
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I think the big disconnect here is that while NPS is really one question, when many of us run an NPS Survey there are other questions included.

We were very excited to use the Text Analysis, and then we realized it was limited to one field.

Maybe we can concatenate the text fields and push them into the NPS Comment field to bypass this, but that is not ideal.
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Killa! Thanks for the heads up.
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Although I guess my question is, now that it's turned on, if you were to edit the text in those records in the future, would they be [i]re-analyzed... :-/ [i]That's [i]really unfortunately the crux of my use case. But it's great to know that historical data gets pulled in when it's turned on for the first time.
Userlevel 6
Hi Gainsight Product, Since text analytics is currently only available on NPS question comments (and back to one of Seth & Lane's original request), can we please provide an option to set the NPS question comments field to required?  Thanks!  
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My only concern with that approach is whether or not making the NPS text comments mandatory will reduce the number of responses you'll get. 
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I think having the ability to make it mandatory is what Seth is asking for. We're not asking for it to by default be mandatory.
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I understand that distinction in the request. Makes sense to have options. It just comes with the understanding that if you make text fields mandatory, you'll almost surely be sacrificing the number of responses you'll get.

Here's a good blog post on that topic:

"With each added click or question, your chances of someone opting out of a survey drop 50%."
Userlevel 7
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Totally fair, Dan. The thing is that, in our case, we're just creating a separate question and making [i]that mandatory, so we aren't getting any benefit in poll response rate from having an Optional comments box :-)

My ideal world would be to use the forthcoming Gainsight feature of NPS-question-within-an-email, so we capture the NPS score [i]right away, and then the questions in the survey are required. So, people who are foolish enough to reply to the NPS question (bwahaha) end up feeling compelled to fill out the remaining questions, and, for people who just close out of the remaining questions, we've still captured their NPS score and can reach out to them for more info. (By the way, if there'll be any Product Managers at Pulse who are working on that question-in-an-email feature, and they're at the point where it would be interesting to get customer feedback on a product design, I'd love to offer my input.)
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I love the way you think, Seth! 🙂
Userlevel 6
Hi Gainsight Product - Since text analytics is currently only available on NPS question comments, can we please provide an option to set the NPS question comments field to required?
Are we getting closer to standing or walking with this feature?

We recently adjusted our survey questions to drive feedback into NPS comments, and now people are opting to leave no feedback vs the really high quality comments/suggestions we were previously getting.

My preferred order:

1) Analyze all text fields

2) Re-Analyze NPS Comments after updating (so I could leverage Seth's approach).

3) Option to require the NPS Comments field (and make it more prominent, perhaps give a leading comment to help widen the types of responses we'd receive)
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Are we getting any closer to ALL Surveys?
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Yes.  This was released one year ago.

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See also
Is this built in for Surveys 2.0 yet ? I have two questions of type 'Long Text' on a survey with responses but when I navigate to text analytics, its empty.
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This might help:

"Note: The Text Analytics section will display the message “No Data Found For This Survey” if there is no text analytics data found. This will usually occur if:

  • The survey has 20 or fewer Survey Responses with comments.
  • After processing the survey, no opinion sentences were found."
Thanks Karl! Great Roadmap Webinar today 🙂
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Hi GS team,

Bumping this thread as I'd like to know what the status of using text analytics on non NPS questions is. We have one question that has provides our clients with the option of leaving feedback and we'd love to leverage this feature against it. I can confirm we're above the 20 response limit and used Surveys 2.0, but my understanding is this feature is still limited to the NPS question only.

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Not limited to NPS Question.

"Text Analytics available for Survey 2.0: The Text Analytics feature uses several analytical techniques to break down and classify the textual information contained in all text-based questions and for all questions that have comments enabled. It then makes the analyzed information available for reporting purposes. This option is enabled by default for all surveys, and you will be able to access it when you perform the following steps:..."

See also :

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Hi @karl_rumelhart Thank you for the speedy response!

I just figured out the issue has to do with the type of question I used to solicit the feedback. I used a Text question with control type "Long text". Apparently this does not work with Text Analytics. I believe that only works with questions that have the "Allow comments" checkbox checked.

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Hi ,

In Text analytics all question type's comment and long text type question is supported . If its not happening for your survey, please raise a gainsight support ticket .We will check and fix if some issue is there.
