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"Waiting on customer response" CTA status

  • 21 June 2021
  • 2 replies

Do you employ a “Waiting on customer response” status type for CTAs? Is this recommended, or is there another way to organize CTAs that are pending a customer response? Any best practices to be aware of when considering implementing this status type? This is to support CSMs in better cockpit organization. 

@sarahmiracle We currently have one we call External Delay.  I’ve also used just “Waiting on Customer”.   You can get a little crazy with statuses if you aren’t careful, so my advice would be to just keep it to the bare minimum you need for the CSMs to manage and leadership to have visibility on where delays might be happening and why.

@sarahmiracle This could be a great use case for Snooze CTA. That’s meant specifically to handle scenarios where a CSM may be blocked from working a CTA for a reason out of their control. Instead of changing the CTA Status, you “pull the Snooze lever” by putting the CTA into a Snoozed state until a specific date and selecting a reason why.
