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I have experienced so many strange and inconsistent behaviors in trying to set up dashboard filters.  And they are not always reproducible.  

I opened a support ticket where I had some widgets built off the Company object that would work on dashboard but not another.  And support couldn't figure out the issue.  I had to delete  the dashboard filters and start over.

Now I'm running into an issue where I deleted a dashboard filter (because of similar weirdness).  I saved the layout.  But it somehow things the filter is still in use because when I try to recreate it, it won't save the filter because it wants me to change the name:

But there is no other filter in use on this dashboard.  HOWEVER - you can see an empty filter bar at the top of the screen (which does not go away no matter how many times I save the dashboard):

Other dashboards which don't have a global filter do not show an empty filter bar:

It's like the first dashboard has a "phantom filter."  This is super frustrating because I guess I'm going to have to delete the whole dashboard that is giving me trouble and build it again.

Anyone else have inconsistent experiences with dashboard filters?
Hey Jeff - definitely let's get a support ticket on the issues you're seeing here as it appears to be bug related (they will be able to determine for sure). Sorry for the inconvenience you're experiencing. 
Unfortunately I had to just push forward, delete the dashboard and start over.  If it happens again I'll open a ticket.  
