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How does a participant match variant criteria, is it the first variant that it matches, or does system look at all of the filters to determine what matches the the best?

For example, say you have an email that you're delivering with varying product content that also delivers based on language.

The default variant is not product specific and in English and delivers to any contact that doesn't meet any of the variant filters.

I then have variants which are in English, so a contact that has a product specified but not a language would receive:

Product = X

Product = Y

Product = Z

And then variants that are segmented by language

Product = X and Language = French

Product = Y and Language = French

Product = Z and Language = French

And so on for Spanish and Chinese. If a French Product Y participant enters, does the system serve Product = Y and stop looking at the remaining filters because it met the criteria? Does it go in the order they appear when you build them? So you can reorder the Product and Language variants at the top and any contact that has a product and a language would meet that criteria first, but a contact that meets product without a language would then receive the English versions?

OR, do the English variants have to specifically exclude the languages?

Product = X and Language != French and Language != Spanish and Language != Chinese?

@nitisha_rathi - can you provide some insight here please?
