
When creating a View in Cockpit, is it possible to make it visible to all Users (not just myself)?

  • 22 September 2017
  • 6 replies

When creating a View in Cockpit, is it possible to make it visible to all Users (not just myself)?

6 replies

Badge +1
Hi Tim,

Currently its not possible, but we do have it in Roadmap. 

Follow up questions, Would it be a good idea to make Views created by a each User to be visible to all or only Admin should have access to create and make it visible to all?


Badge +1
This would be helpful for our org as well. We would prefer to have the Admin be in control of the views that are pushed out to the team. Access to all views sounds like it could become very cluttered and difficult to navigate if the user likes to switch between views. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Surprised that the ability to administer Cockpit Views is not a more highly-voted item! 🙂 I've just finished logging in as each of my CSMs and each of their managers, and creating 3-5 identical Views for each of them. This feature would have saved me several hours of work.
Userlevel 5
Badge +3
+1 Ran into this a few weeks back.  The Managers wanted to ensure that each user was looking at the same configuration of data.  Ended up sending out instructions for the users on how to create the view.

I agree with leaving this at the Admin level.  With the ability to select which users (or groups...) it applies to - would be another level to the request though. 🙂
When in the roadmap is this item scheduled for release?
Userlevel 5
You're a trooper, Seth!
