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Hi all,

There is a lot of buzz around conversational commerce. And rightly so! We see communities as a perfect way to contribute. In fact, we have multiple communities where the commerce value per customer has outgrown the service value! Even though service was the initial concept of the community.

So from the numbers we have at this moment we see that up to 5% of all new customers had the community as first point of contact. And a community can deliver ~10% additional traffic to the main website. And last; the average conversion rate and order value of community traffic can outperform other (paid) traffic.

We see this as a hidden pile of gold. So I would encourage you to get your numbers straight. Maybe there is already a great hidden connection. Or not. Both can be reasons to start, experiment and optimize subtle commerce flows in your community. (Hint: simple relevant links in your topics are by far the the most effective).

Therefore, it would be great if you could get answers to the following questions. If you send me these via pm or mail we can benchmark your numbers and give you concrete advice for the next best actions.

Off course we will handle this data with great care.

  • How many visitors enter the main website via the community?

  • How does your community compare with your main website in amount of visitors?

  • In which % of all the new sales was the community part of the journey?

  • In which % of all the new sales was the community the first point of contact (first entry point)?

  • How does the order value and conversion rate of these sales compare with other channels?

  • Do we see differences for the above in different product categories?

Got sent home by your analytics colleague because they can’t give you these numbers? Then there’s even more work to do 😊

Make sure you get them on board to implement the right tags, pixels and make sure your community is being measured as one of the touchpoints.

Thanks so much! Will be continued… Do not hesitate to post additional questions or remarks below.
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