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Don't miss the last nCloud Integrators' Office Hour of the year on Nov. 30 at noon ET. In this "Ask Me Anything" session, we will bring our top Gainsight experts together to cover all your burning questions on ANY Gainsight topic. It is a great opportunity to hear from the experts, find out what your peers are working on, and dig into your most pressing questions. 

Register here:

Thanks for posting about this session @Sharon Bok 🙌 

moved it to our Meetings and Office Hours area which is more mainstream for this event.

Would you want to give us a couple of topics you want to hinge the discussion on? @_mention experts who’d be On the session - I’m pretty sure they might already be active on this Community :) 

Hello, Those registering can list some questions they would like covered during the session.  Some listed so far include:

How are folks leveraging Success Plans, Renewal Center and Journey Orchestrator?

How can we mass send emails by product family?

How are customers delivering personalized experiences in Community? Have you seen any good examples of tailored onboarding or other experiences, specific to a customer's journey stage and product for example?
