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Meet the new C360/R360!

  • Easily access and digest customer information
  • Effortlessly act on customer data
  • Personalised end user experience

Join us for the webinar to learn;

  • What’s new in the latest C360/R360?
  • Customer Journey Widget

Guest Speaker @godwin_saldanha (Senior Manager, CS Operations at Mitel) will join us to share the best practices on C360 ✔️

DATE: 27 JULY 2023 (Thursday)


Register Here!


Presenters: @yuniyal @Mdsingh 

Want to activate the new C360 to your instance now? - Here’s how you can!

I've had issues with automated milestones in the customer journey widget for a field change. If the field is manually changed in the C360 it populates but if the field is populated via a rule the automatic milestone doesn't appear to work. Is this correct?

I've had issues with automated milestones in the customer journey widget for a field change. If the field is manually changed in the C360 it populates but if the field is populated via a rule the automatic milestone doesn't appear to work. Is this correct?

Thank you for the feedback. 

@Dheepak G (Product Manager), Can you please assist with the above?

@Sowmya  Can you please help here on the Customer Journey widget query?

Hi @jkolle 

Ideally the automatic changes should reflect within 24hr timeframe. Usually schedule runs once in 24hrs and please note this is not real-time.

The recording to this webinar is here.

