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Calling all new Gainsight Admins! Join us on April 29 at 9:30am/12:30pm PST for an informational session to learn about available training, as well as how to prepare for the Gainsight NXT Admin Certification. At the end of April, we’re also launching a new Gainsight Associate Admin certificate to recognize new Admin’s who complete our basic training and pass a quiz. We’ll share more details in this session! Attendees will also receive exclusive discounts on training and certification!

Why should you get certified? Here’s what some recently certified Admins had to say:

  • “I've been a Gainsight admin for about 3 years now. Having the admin certification is a great way to signal that I have strong admin experience to peers and prospective employers. I love having that label on my LinkedIn lprofile].”
  • “It's nice to show that you actually know what you're doing in the system to provide confidence to the team.” (customer about to start NXT upgrade)
  • “It proves to me that I know quite a bit about a very complex system. It makes me feel worthy and it's something I can show to my boss to signify I'm an expert.”
  • “As a potential hiring manager, I'll give additional weight to candidates that have the certification.”
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