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PLEASE NOTE - OFFICE HOURS CANCELED TODAY - Thursday May 5 Office Hours today.


Apologies for the short notice - unexpected illness.


I will post tomorrow re: next week’s schedule .


Best,  Scott

Hi @sdrostgainsightcom ! I’ll be joining tomorrow wanting to learn more about JO analytics, specifically looking to learn more about conditional wait analytics. Thanks!

Hi Scott, 

Wanted to ask about Real-time rules. Trying to create a rule to update CSM value in SFDC real time. 

@Melissa Leigh…. you’re in luck, I’ll be joining tomorrow and would be glad to chime in. 


FYI @Melissa Leigh , @ayakushevich and @dan_wiegert -- just updated the main post to the thread but wanted to be sure you noticed that I have to cancel today’s Office Hours session.  Apologies for the inconvenience - I’ll have to work out a make-up session soon.


Will you be in office hours next week scott? 

Hey Scott- It all worked out, Melissa, Gunjan and I ended up meeting on the side. They asked 2-3 questions that made my brain hurt, but a productive discussion overall. 
