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Clarify Intervals and quit (never show again) conditions for engagements

My team and I are trying to fully understand the behavior for intervals on guide engagements. 

Our use case is new user onboarding. As a user is new to the product we want to provide guides on the key pages of the product to instruct a new user. These guides will be bundled and displayed in a KCB for the user to self serve, but we want to use automatic display for the first few visits of the user to ensure they know they have these resources available to them.

Desired behavior is to show an automatically triggered guide 1 time per day up to 3 times. With the ability to quit and not show if the user finishes the guide in the first or second viewing.

Our current method for configuring this is as follows: 

Schedule > Qualification scope set to show 3 times with a day between and on completion quit. We believe this is the base of what we want. But the uncertainty arises with “intervals” and “occurrences” the documentation does not strictly define these terms or finish the written example to describe the behavior. We do not want this to return for the user after they complete the guide or are offered 3 times. 


To safeguard if the above does not quit and stop as expected, we have included audience logic where the user must have never finished this engagement. Is this necessary? 


How are others configuring limited run engagements. Not that we need a setting between “Show Once” and “Intervals” but just need to know how to read the different key words that are being used in the configuration page.


Similar question threads but not exact:


2 replies

Userlevel 5

@Ashton - I’m having similar questions. I want to have a survey that runs automatically after a user has completed any of a number of guides. I managed to get the survey to run once, but it didn’t run after a second guide was completed. 

Userlevel 2


Desired behaviour is to show an automatically triggered guide 1 time per day up to 3 times. With the ability to quit and not show if the user finishes the guide in the first or second viewing.

To achieve this behaviour, the intervals should be set as follows:


But the uncertainty arises with “intervals” and “occurrences” the documentation does not strictly define these terms or finish the written example to describe the behavior. 

  • A indicates the no. of times an engagement should be shown to users in one occurrence.
  • B indicates the minimum time that should be there between each display of the engagement to a user in an occurrence.
  • C indicates the time that is taken before starting a new occurrence.
  • D indicates the maximum no. of occurrences.

So, In an occurrence(cycle), the user can be shown an engagement maximum of A times with at least B time between views.
Interval is the time between each occurrence.

For more information on when the occurrence/cycle is considered as completed and what does wait for new occurrence and quit state, refer to the documentation.

To safeguard if the above does not quit and stop as expected, we have included audience logic where the user must have never finished this engagement. Is this necessary? 

The use case - show the engagement to users 1 time per day up to 3 times and quit if the user sees the engagement, can be achieved using intervals qualification scope alone.

Thank you!
