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Difference Between "Last Used" and "Used More Than xx Days ago" Filters

  • 28 September 2021
  • 3 replies

Hi everyone,

Is there any difference between "Last Used More Than xx Days Ago" (located in Engagement Audience Logic) and "Used More Than xx Days ago" (located in Audience Explorer) feature filters? Is it possible that the second one will take into consideration all the users that triggered a feature before xx days ago, but without excluding those same users if they triggered the same feature less then xx days ago? 

If yes, we would have a feature request - please enable us to have the same filtering options in all PX sections.

The use case can be the following example. We have an in-app engagement with suspiciously low number of views. Looking at the engagement definition, we can assume that the only possible issue can be in the conditions related to when and which features/events were triggered. Now, we would like to be able to confirm that assumption by replicating the same audience logic (the same filters) in Audience Explorer - to see it there really is just a few users that satisfy the filtering criteria. However, we can’t do it - because we used the “Last Used More Than xx Days Ago” in the audience logic of the engagement and we don’t have the same option in Audience Explorer.

Hello @dorian_cudina, thank you for your post. Sending this to our Product Manager to look into and get back to you on this. 

Hey @Cornelia, did you get any feedback from the Product Manager related to the above? :)

Hi @dorian_cudina 


I had to check back on this and get back to you -  This is what the two do.

Last Used More Than xx Days Ago - fetch users who had a feature match to this feature last time , x days ago
Used More Than xx Days ago - fetch users who had  a feature match to this feature last time , x days ago at least y times
If y is 1 then they should give same results, bare in mind the analytics and the real time engagement can slightly be different because one is more a real time evaluation.


