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What? How? Where? When? Why? - Five simple questions but the basic rudimentary, useful mental model to assess “What is actually happening?” in any scenario. 



Companies receive from these five questions a billion-dollar consultancy business that happens around the names of McKinsey, Bain, or BCG, and we all look for such industry reports every quarter. So, if a client pays a million-dollar rupees for an engagement, what exactly are they buying? - Strategic advice built on Qualitative and Quantitative data these companies collect from different segments of users. - Strategic advice built on Qualitative and Quantitative data these companies collect from different segments of users.

Few outstanding strategy sessions are here  to help you define your product strategy from Industry experts and PX masterminds!


Data-Driven closed-loop feedback


Closing the Feedback Loop: Using Your Product to Understand Customer Needs Deep - by Autodesk covering how to close the “Say Do” Gap!


How to Improve Your Product with Customer Feedback You Already Have


Fool Proof process of collecting user feedback building product roadmap 


Accelerating enterprise growth with product-led approach 


If you wanna catch upon few live hands-on sessions on implementing these strategies - Do register for our weekly hands-on office hours sessions here


If we have to start with the qualitative approach of it, experts say:

“The answers are all out there; we just need to ask the right questions.”

You can time the survey right and get many responses. You can give discounts and get people to answer. You can ask frictionless questions and make it easy for users to reply.

But the quality of those responses ⁠— the insights you can extract ⁠— depend only on one thing: the questions you ask. Here are a few questions that you can use for your coming up survey at various stages of your customer life cycle.


Customer touchpoint: After onboarding 

Question Type


Likert Scale

(CSAT or Rating)

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your onboarding experience?

  • How would you rate your level of knowledge of what our product can do?

Single select (Yes/No)

  • Were you set up with everything you needed to use our product during the onboarding process?

  • Do you feel empowered to be successful with the product?

  • Do you feel our product will help you achieve the goals you want to achieve?


  • Is anything critical to your success covered during our onboarding process?


Customer touchpoint: After support experience


Question Type


Likert Scale

(CSAT or Rating)

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our product or service?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your experience on our site today?

  • How would you rate your experience with our product/services today?

  • How would you rate us on the following? (Follow with a list of products, services, or activities)

  • How often do you use our product or service?

Single select (Yes/No)

  • Has our product or service helped you achieve your goals?

  • Would you recommend our product or service to others?

Multiple Choice 

  • Which three of these pfeatures/offerings/etc.] matter more to you when you use our product? 

  • For what purpose are you using lproduct or service]? (Follow with a list and include ‘other’ as an option.)


  • What’s the most significant gain you’ve seen while you’ve been using our product or service?

  • What would you change about our product or service?

  • What can we improve in our product or service?

  • How can we improve our customer service?

  • What would stop you from buying from us again?

  • Have you ever had a negative experience with us, and if so, can you describe what happened?

  • How have you used our services in the past?

  • What can we do better?



Customer touchpoint: New product launch or feature beta user survey


Question Type


Likert Scale

(CSAT or Rating)

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how useful is our new product/feature to you?

  • How would you rate our new product/feature?

  • How satisfied are you with our new product/feature?

Single select (Yes/No)

  • Have you tried our new product/feature?

  • Have you used our new feature?

  • Is our new product/feature easy to understand?


  • Do you have suggestions for improving our new product/feature?


Ensure to ask the right questions, and the answers will always reveal themselves. I hope you find your answers.

If you are looking for more resources on how to set these questions on the PX surveys module, these resources can help you get started:

Survey FAQs

Overview of Survey Engagements

Analysing survey results

Automated Email Response Driven by NPS®️ Survey Results


Happy PX-ing!

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