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Join us for virtual or in-person PX training!

  • 15 March 2023
  • 1 reply

New PX users are invited to join us for hands-on instructor-led training on configuring Engagements, setting up the Knowledge Center Bot, and interpreting Analytics!

We have two PX training opportunities coming up: from April 18th - 20th, you can join our virtual PX training sessions, and in May we invite you to join us for in-person training on May 16th at Pulse Academy Live in San Francisco. The May 16th training will be slightly abbreviated to accommodate an in-person schedule, but otherwise the curriculum will be the same.

You can also meet your instructor, @lisa.mirth, in this quick video intro: 😁


We held the PX training for the first time last month, and here’s what a few attendees had to say:



“This was great and it confirmed that in person training is definitely needed for PX folks. I thought I was doing a couple things correctly and wasn't. I needed the visual training that Lisa provided.”  - PX customer


We hope to see you in an upcoming class! If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or email

1 reply

Userlevel 4

This is Exciting!! 
