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I'm trying to create an KC article as card that invokes a chat bot.  Any recommendation on how to do this? I dont know what to use hyperlinks as the experience is not great. We have tried doing onclick event, but it appears this is stripped out from the KC article.



Hi @MikeMoreno
Not sure if this would help but @dileepnalla has shared an article triggering chatbot in PX using Weblink option in KC bot which supports JS.


Thanks, thats is what we will use, however the JS link uses an odd icon, that implies the link is CODE, which is a bit weird from an end user perspective. Why does it matter that its a JS Link? Also interms of visual styles its a bit boring and not very impactful or allow us to style it.  Hence I was hoping we could use an article, as that can be styled/hacked to look better.
